Getting sick of the mundane parts of life, like washing dishes?
Feeling unsatisfied, bored, overwhelmed, frustrated or anxious?
I was having post camping blues and didn’t like being back indoors. While washing dishes I noticed the frown on my face, overall blah feeling and not wanting to wash dishes.
Suddenly I remembered the mindfulness practice of washing dishes I’d reviewed this weekend in the book, “You Are Here” by Thich Naht Hahn. I’ve been practicing this since I was trained in mindfulness many years ago.
Instantly I smiled as I used Beginner’s Mind and Curiosity to experience washing dishes as if it was the first time.
Suddenly I was actually feeling the water against my skin, noticing the temperature, seeing the beauty and color of the soap bubbles, the shiny stainless steel of the colander. It was so smooth and there were so many holes – how interesting! Where was it made? Who made it? How was it made?
What a delight that I had warm water coming from a faucet and soap to wash with! Very different than yesterday while camping. How did the faucet come to be? What an interesting design!
My frown shifted into a smile and I was completely present.
Why would I be anywhere else? Right now is all I ever have anyway.
Time seems to stop, almost like I’m given the gift of more time along with more peace and more joy.
Thich Naht Hahn said, “When we wash dishes, it is not only to get the dishes clean. It is to live every minute of the washing.” Also, “when I walk, I don’t hurry to arrive. Why? Because I arrive every moment. I have already arrived.” Are you here?
Jon Kabat Zinn said, “you don’t have to rush to get through with the dishes so that you can get on to something better or more important because, at the moment that you are doing the dishes, that IS your life.” Are you here?