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Ready to Surf?

Years ago I had multiple chronic health issues. One was nausea ALL day every day. It went on for weeks, then months.

Multiple tests and different doctors couldn’t figure it out. (diagnosed IBS, but that’s a story for another day)

In desperation I ordered Mindfulness meditation CDs (yes, this was when I used an actual CD) and thick textbook, “Full Catastrophe Living” and followed the course on my own.

Miraculously I found a fantastic Buddhist teacher

And took the same course and all day silent retreats in person twice.

What I didn’t expect, was for my nausea to go away.

I finally started to believe in the connection between my mind and body and running faster than I had strength, understanding how the stress cycle was affecting my adrenal glands.

I was a highly successful, driven and organized young mom.

But, I was living in my head and rarely in my body (I had no idea what that meant).

I continued to study Kabat-Zinn and other mindfulness experts and deepened my understanding as well as my peace and joy.

Not all my pains and problems went away, but I learned to surf the waves and how to stop suffering while surfing.

Enjoy some of my favorite Kabat-Zinn quotes below

“The little things? The little moments? They aren’t little.”

“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.”

“One practical way to do this is to look at other people and ask yourself if you are really seeing them or just your thoughts about them.”

“Wherever you go, there you are”

“Simply put, mindfulness is moment-to-moment non-judgmental awareness.”

Ready to stop suffering? I have openings for 1 on 1 coaching and free 30 min sessions for you to try it out. Set up your session today