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Climbing out of depression

Climbing out of depression started by learning to listen to my thoughts. Simply starting to be aware.

You may have this down. But back then I didn’t even realize there was a “voice” in my head. I just had a daily onslaught of negativity in my head and took it as facts, just who I was, all true.

I thought I was a bad mom, so I was.

I didn’t think I was doing enough or that what I did was good enough, so I believe that.

I thought my husband was doing things wrong, so I was frustrated.

I thought I wasn’t supposed to argue and yell at him, so I felt stuck.

I thought my family would be better without me, so why question that?

I started writing down all the thoughts throughout the day, just to become aware. I didn’t know they were so ugly and so frequent. I also didn’t know they were just thoughts.

I just thought it was true.

But, thoughts really are optional.

I get it. Let me help you find a new thought.

Are you ready to challenge that voice in your head?

I would love to talk with you about coaching and if it is a good fit for you. Schedule a time for a FREE consultation. Have a quick question? Shoot me an email at I’d love to hear from you.