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Coronavirus Fears and Solutions

You were made for this! You can totally do this virus isolation time!

We came to earth just for times like this. We signed up for it, chose it actually. We chose the hard times so we could become who we truly want to be. 

But just because we know we will grow and learn, doesn’t mean it will be easy. 

Being stressed and having this experience isn’t bad for us, it’s building resilience. We will suffer less and build more resilience though if we are choosing to believe the sadness, grief, loss, sickness are NOT a problem. It’s all something we choose as part of being human. It’s all something we are willing to feel. So, let me help you with your mindset and how to feel these feelings!

Have you taken the time to write out your thoughts about this experience? We are in the middle of making history. What fears do you have? What have you lost that you are grieving?

When you write out all your fears, do me a favor and email some of them to me. Let me help you work through them. I can email you back or talk about them on Instagram to help everyone. 

When you write it all out, what feelings come up? Have you allowed these feelings room to come out? Remember feeling a feeling isn’t thinking about the feeling, writing your thoughts about it or talking about your 

Feeling a feeling is labeling the feeling with one word (fear, anger, sad, frustration, impatience) and then describing the physical sensations in your body. You describe them in detail and just pay attention to what it feels like, allowing it to be there without trying to make it go away. 

Here’s an example: Feeling is worried. I feel tight in my chest and shoulders, it’s pressing inward and is uncomfortable. I’d call it puke yellow in color, with a wiggly shape. As I pay attention to it, it is staying the same. A minute later I notice that it isn’t as strong.

Then, choose something to think on purpose and get your body moving to complete the stress cycle, to help that emotion move on out of your body. 

Be fully present in your mind and body when you are with people or when doing an activity

Thinking, “this shouldn’t be this way” or “this isn’t supposed to happen” “I was supposed to be on that trip” is creating your suffering. Its normal for your brain to think, “something is wrong”, so notice when you’re thinking that way and accept what is actually happening. 

What about what IS happening is actually wonderful? 

Create a new normal for the next week since we know we’re out of school for a week. Control what you can control and let go of what ifs about what you can’t control. Then, next week when we have more information, make your next plan. 

You get to decide what this time will look like. It doesn’t have to look like anyone else is doing it. There are no rules. You choose what is best for you and your family. Gather ideas from others if you want, but look inward to figure out what is best. 

Here’s a list of questions to help you take care of your mental and emotional health – which I suggest should be your top priority. Don’t use these questions as rules or lists to feel bad about if you aren’t doing them all. Use them as options to help you stay healthy. 

What am I grateful for today? 

Who am I checking in on or connecting with today?

What expectations of “normal” am I letting go of today? 

Or what “new normal” am I creating to help me thrive?

How am I getting outside today? 

How am I moving my body today? 

What beauty am I either creating, cultivating, or inviting in today?

What am I doing to stay in the present moment more often? 

What can I do to laugh more? 

Please let me know if you need a free 30 min coaching session to help you through Coronavirus.