Last week my husband and I had a grand adventure mountain biking 23 miles in Heber City. I knew it would be a challenge and fun, but it was so much more. I didn’t realize how epic of a ride it would be.
It was 5 hours and 40 minutes of tough riding with 3,000 feet of elevation gain. I’m not sure if we are superheroes or crazy. (I know some thought I was crazy to ride a bike on the beach trail the next day, but I loved it!)
All I know is, it was hard and I loved it and am so proud of myself and my husband.
When we looked at the maps I really didn’t think we’d do the whole loop, but at the only option to cut through, we were already ¾ the way and just getting to the good part.

We like to go on grand adventures like this. We love the beauty and the excitement of getting up to places not many people go to, of being mostly alone with the mountains. It takes hard work to get there, but the reward is an incredibly fun ride and gorgeous scenery.
I’m always reminded that the hard work uphill is worth the view and the fun of the downhill. Such a great life lesson.

As I was riding I was reminded of how these adventures parallel life. I realized I was using some good thought work and started making some videos for instagram occasionally. Watch those on my stories or highlights under, “biking.” Most adventures I prefer to just be present, but you got lucky this time.
We rode the Coyote Loop, riding over the mountain between Heber and Jordanelle. The first 7-8 miles were uphill climbing the mountain. It wasn’t horribly steep, about 2 hours of good switchbacks. We only saw one hiker on the way up and 2 couples on the way down.
In the beginning I found myself tensing and bracing against the curve on a tight corner, not sure if I’d make it. I noticed it right away and remembered that isn’t the way to do it, but instead to relax and breathe or ease into it, with positive instead of fearing thoughts.
I started saying, “This is hard, a little scary, but I can do it. I got it. Just a little higher, just a few more pedals, breathe,” instead of “I can’t do it. I don’t think I can. This is too hard, too steep, too tough. I just don’t know”.
This can be applied to so many moments in life where we are thinking negatively or resisting and tensing and afraid, doubting our ability.

Looking up at the peak, I was wondering if the trail was going to lead us ALL the way up there or not. We had looked at the map and tried to figure out the topography, but it’s still a bit unknown. I wasn’t sure if the trail would wrap around at the very top or lower. It’s fun to be exploring, to not know for sure, but can also be hard not knowing how much longer the hard uphill will last.
Life is like that often. We just don’t know when we’ll get a reprieve or how much longer it will be hard. We can view it as an adventure, exploring new territory, excited to discover what it will bring. Or, we can be dreading it and afraid of the future. Each new turn, new day, new experience can be an adventure.
It can be exciting or interesting or I can dread and fear it. It’s all my choice.
Before you go up a steep hill, you need to be anticipating it, knowing it’s there, seeing how steep it is, getting in the right gear, having enough momentum but not too much. If you gear down too much you won’t have traction and can spin out, but if its too high, you might not be able to pedal.
Sometimes you turn a sharp corner and the steep hill surprises you. You’re unprepared and just can’t get up it, can’t change gears or build momentum in time, and have to humbly get off and walk.

Sometimes things in life are like that, They can catch us off guard and surprise us. We’re not ready for it and have to stop and step off and regroup, slowly pushing through and up the hill.
It doesn’t mean we failed. It just happens.
We can’t predict and anticipate everything in life.
It’s just a chance to regroup and reevaluate and put the self care skills in place to be prepared for the next hill. When you can see the hill ahead you can prepare for it. In life we can do this when we know something challenging is coming up. We can do the self care things to have the strength and mental clarity to climb the hill.
Or, sometimes you fight with all your strength and you make it up the hill! Then you get the satisfaction of feeling like a superstar – the amazing feeling of conquering really hard things!
But, remember that smart people don’t beat themselves up when they can’t make it up 100% of the hills. Their good attitude allows them to do a lot though!

There was a crazy hard section and I was thinking, “this is nuts, let’s turn around.” but I stopped my negative thoughts and said, “No! We can do this. We can do this! I’ve been on enough hikes and rides that I know up higher is always worth it.”
Life is like this, 50% negative, with the glory moments interspersed. It’s always worth it, even when it takes a long time to see the positive. So keep going, put in the time and effort.
When I was going up the hard part, I was worried it would be like that all the way and wondered if it was worth it. We don’t know and often the future is way better than we can imagine, more beautiful, more exciting.

I finally made it and was sailing through the trees laughing and grinning with delight.
“This is part is SO much fun!”

It was glorious rolling singletrack through the aspen and scrub oak interspersed with the sage and wildflowers. Having no one on the trail made it even more fun!

The last hour or so was the hardest. We were tired and worn out. It was noon, we were hot and soaked in sweat. Too tired to stand but too sore to sit, but you still gotta keep going. Just keep going, keeping the thoughts positive, remembering the excitement from earlier and how good I’ll feel afterwards, continuing to stay focused to be safe and still find some joy, while being proud of every pedal.
When you go on a 23 mile mountain ride, there are parts that are not fun and you just want it to be over. Hot sweaty, sunburned, thirsty. But it’s worth it because you get to such great fun sections. Its like life, sometimes it’s great and sometimes its hard and that’s ok.
Are you ready to learn how to change your thoughts to help you conquer the challenging hills in your life? Ready to view life as an adventure?
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