You are currently viewing I didn’t even know what I loved to do anymore

I didn’t even know what I loved to do anymore

As a young mom, I’d lost sight of who I was.

I didn’t even know what I loved doing anymore.

I was still teaching piano and flute lessons, but I’d stopped nurturing me.

My husband offered to let me get out of the house on Tuesday nights. But I didn’t know what to do with time by myself or who to do it with.

I was worried about what would happen when I was gone.

Would my husband know how to handle the kids? Would he be able to get them to bed on his own? Would it be hard for him? They needed me too much.

Why did I think it was a problem for him to have one night alone having a hard time with the kids when it was ok for me to have a hard time with them all the time?

Our thoughts can get twisted and we don’t even realize it. The sad part is that we don’t stop and question it, we just accept and live by it and feel the guilt, shame, frustration or anger.

Today I have endless ideas of what I’d do with time by myself and I do those things often. I have plenty of people I can think of to call and set something up and I do that (not perfectly).

I think and act so differently.

It takes time and effort to rewire your brain.

But it really works

Does this sound familiar? Are you ready for help in rewiring your brain? Or help to figure out who you are after the transition to motherhood? Do you feel like all you think about is kids and what they need? Do you know what YOU love to do and do you do it?

Let’s figure it out together.

I’m doing free sessions for missionaries and parents. Schedule a time for a FREE session. Have a quick question? Shoot me an email at I’d love to hear from you.