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Sick of the stress and anxiety before traveling?

Do you get anxious before traveling? During the trip? Even if you love traveling?

I get really excited about trips and I find myself extra alive exploring a new city or wilderness area. I love the adventure and excitement. 

But, almost always before the trip I get filled with stress and overwhelm and negative thoughts and declare that I don’t want to go anymore. I used to always be nauseated the whole time I was packed and preparing. 

Thankfully I know the trend and can see what is happening now. I know that nothing is wrong, my amygdala just still thinks traveling is a danger it needs to protect me from. I know the thoughts that make it worse and the actions that help reduce the symptoms. I can catch those unhelpful thoughts and replace them. 

This is what a coach can help you learn to do. 

I have a friend that loves traveling and does it often but still finds herself throwing up in anxiety before her trips. As we talked through the experience, she passionately wished for relief, for the anxiety to leave forever. This is normal and is what leads people to continually look for ways to banish anxiety all together. 

Wishing for anxiety to not exist and hating it is fighting it and actually increases it. The solution is to make friends with anxiety and welcome it. 

The way to do this is to make a list of why being a person with anxiety is a good thing, how it helps you and makes you better. Then, you allow the anxiety to come when it does. You welcome it and feel it. 

I see you anxiety, you like to keep me safe before and during trips and that’s why you’ve come to check on me. You’re good at helping me remember little details. Its ok. You can stay. Its ok if I’m nauseated or even if I throw up. That’s just what happens before my trips. I’m ok. This isn’t a problem. 

This may sound counterintuitive, but it’s what works. It allows us to feel the physical sensations of anxiety and not add the emotional layers on top of it. 

This is when you notice the thoughts and physical sensations and watch them come and go, allowing them to exist. You continue to talk to your anxiety, being the one who is in charge. This is how you gain confidence in handling the symptoms of anxiety. 

Your goal isn’t for the anxiety to go away and never exist, but for you to learn to allow it to be there without adding more panic and overwhelm. When you normalize what your body is doing, it can actually settle down. Sometimes the symptoms actually stop and other times they just decrease. But when we believe anxiety isn’t out to get us or ruining our life, we can start to believe that it actually is a strength.

Anxiety actually helps us and can even be your superpower.

My free mindfulness guide has more info on this topic as well as The Art of Fear by Kristien Ulmer and Dare by Barry McDonagh

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