It completely absorbs me.
Time stands still.
I can’t think about anything else.
My mind empties and I’m completely connected to the clouds, colors, lighting, rocks and dirt.
I have to be there.
I have to experience the entire sunrise or sunset.
I watch it from start to finish, from the very first hints of pink through every shade of orange, yellow, blue and purple, as each cloud slowly changes shape, getting longer and lower across the sky.
It’s completely silent and we’re all alone.
The clouds and colors keep changing as I gradually turn to see the whole 360 degrees of the landscape. It captivates me, soothes me and exhilarates me.
Each time I turn around, there’s a slight shift, the pink is slightly brighter, the light has extended longer across the rocks, and the glowing sun gradually drops lower and lower and lower til it’s gone.
The colors excite me and relax me at the same time!
I exclaim and jump with delight and then I settle into a mesmerized trance.
I feel inspired and want to leap!
But I also feel loose, relaxed and deeply settled.
I’m in awe, a deep sense of wonder and peace.
My breathing slows and I’m completely present.
When I’m outside like this, deeply connecting with nature and my body, I also connect with God.
I speak to God and listen. I feel. I learn. I’m filled with LOVE.
I am known, seen and heard.
Many years ago, in Kauai, my days revolved around the sunrise and sunset, everything was planned so I could quietly sit on the beach taking in every drop of color, every shadow, everything the light touched.
Recently I found I could experience this majesty while camping in the middle of the desert. It was even more majestic since we were all alone. My husband and I’s favorite type of getaway, waking early for each sunrise and carrying the backpacking dinner up to the highest rock to enjoy the entire 360 degrees of the show.
I can teach you how to be completely connected to the present moment like this, to experience exquisite joy, relaxation, wonder and awe.
You don’t have to be on the beach or in the middle of the desert like this.
I feel it daily in little moments, from the texture and colors of my daughters hair, to the shade and softness of my favorite hoodie, to the rich harmonies and complexity of the song I’m playing on the piano, to the feel of my heart beating in my chest right now.
Breathe slow and deep.
Experience this moment as a gift, with awe and wonder.
Step into this moment while you have it.
These pictures and videos are from camping 2 weekends in a row a couple weeks ago. I can’t wait til next time!!